Typical commercial plumbing in Vallejo covers various areas, including water heater installation, heating upgrades, and repairing sanitation systems. By far, one of the most common tasks undertaken by plumbing in Vallejo is sewer line repairs.


Most damage to sewer lines is caused by debris in pipes, degradation or reshaping of pipework, and above ground movement and tree roots. 


By understanding the threats to healthy sewer lines and developing a system of healthy habits and systems around cleaning and maintaining a commercial sewerage system, companies can help prevent the need for sewer line repairs.


Tree Roots

As trees mature and grow in height, roots spread over a greater distance in order to access more water, and if there is a pipe in the roots’ path, there is a chance that the roots will grow into the pipes and not only cause a blockage in the sewer line that will need repairs but also cause pipe degradation and damage.  Once established in pipes, tree roots can be difficult and expensive to tackle due to their strength and depth.


Maintaining an up-to-date map of sewer lines helps ensure that trees growing around systems are removed or kept at a safe height. If moving into new commercial premises it is advised to seek the service of an expert commercial plumbing company to insert a specialist camera into the sewer line to do an initial ‘health check’ and diagnose any problems.


Pipe Reshaping

Sewer lines are underground and therefore put under pressure by what lies above them. Where pipes are located beneath the soil, there is the risk of pipes bellying under the pressure of the soil above. This reshaping of the pipework can result in sewer line repairs needing to be carried out as misshapen pipes will cause water to flow slowly and back up in the system. Paying attention to the environment around a commercial plumbing system is key to maintaining an effective system and avoiding sewer line repairs in Vallejo.



Next to water heater installation in Vallejo, clearing grease from pipes is one of the most common tasks given to plumbers in Vallejo.

Oil and grease produced during manufacturing processes and cooking can easily enter sewer lines and cause long-term damage to pipes, as well as causing blockages that result in reduced function and unpleasant odors. Developing healthy and safe ways to dispose of oil and grease can ensure that minimal amounts enter the sewer line. 


Systematic Maintenance

Whilst it is common for companies to set a maintenance schedule after events such as water heater installation and sanitation upgrades, it is less common for businesses to build a maintenance schedule around sewer line health. Clearing drains during fall, surveying the environment above pipelines, and timing draining from plug holes can contribute to an effective systematic maintenance schedule that will help keep sewer lines in good repair and avoid problems that could interfere with business operations.


November 08, 2021


Ron Burris
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