How to Keep Pipes Functioning Well

A clogged or broken pipe can lead to a lot of damage if it isn't handled at once. To prevent this from happening, the issue has to be identified when a pipe is about to give out. First, there are a few telltale signs that a pipe is about to go. If there is a hissing sound, then there is probably a leak. Leaks usually happen on the outside of the pipes or on the wall, but they can happen inside too. If there is a leak, then it is probably time to get a plumber out to fix it, where it's a problem involving residential or commercial plumbing in Vallejo.

Preventing Frozen Pipes

In the winter, frozen pipes become a serious problem for many people. In most cases, the pipes are not frozen solid. Instead, they are only partially frozen, which can lead to problems with liquid flowing through. Frozen pipes can also burst, which makes the problem even worse. To prevent frozen pipes, keep the temperature in the home above freezing.

Thawing Frozen Pipes

There are many ways to thaw frozen pipes in an emergency. If there's a bad leak in a pipe that has become frozen, it's possible to use a heat lamp to thaw the pipe. The heat from the lamp will melt the ice, and sometimes the heat is strong enough to melt the ice all the way through.  If the leak is not too bad, wrap the pipe in a towel first to prevent the heat from damaging the pipe or surrounding surfaces.  Without a heat lamp, the frozen pipes can be thawed with hot liquid, although this method takes longer and can cause the liquid to become hot, which can also damage pipes.

Patching Leaky Pipes Until the Plumber Arrives

Fixing a leaky pipe by oneself is a temporary solution at best. If there is a plumber in the area to tend to emergencies, the only choice might be to wait for them to arrive. Until then, applying a towel to the leak might help. Dry towels can soak up a surprising amount of liquid. If the leak is small enough to be patched with a bit of duct tape, then that's the best bet until a plumber can come to make a more permanent repair.

Wait for The Plumber

When in doubt, whether a leaky pipe or a frozen pipe, wait for the plumber until attempting to fix either problem. Plumbers are the best people for the job when it comes to pipe problems. They are professionals in the field and know how to handle all kinds of piping issues. It might be time to call a plumber to fix the leaky faucet or the clogged toilet. Sometimes a plumber is needed for water heater installation in Vallejo or for sewer line repairs in Vallejo. Whatever one’s plumbing in Vallejo needs are, don’t hesitate to call a professional. 



March 08, 2021


Ron Burris
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