An electric water heater lasts anywhere from 8 to 10 years before it can be replaced. This isn’t a long time, and some water heaters might have to be replaced just after a few years of use. The water heater can be installed by the homeowners themselves as a DIY project. However, since there’s electricity involved in the installation, it’s wise to have it done by professionals only. There are many companies providing services for water heater installation in Vallejo. In addition to these, one can also take help from companies providing plumbing services like sewer line repairs in Vallejo to get new water heaters installed safely and efficiently.

Tips to Install an Electric Water Heater

1.      Create a Platform

Water heater installation starts with creating a convenient platform to place the tank. This can be done by putting two or more concrete blogs on the floor where the heater has to be placed.

2.      Place the Tank

The next step involves placing the tank on the blocks while ensuring the drain faucet falls on the front of the tank. To check if the blocks are stable, rock the tank in different directions. Reposition the tank until it is stable or the blocks don’t move.

3.      Install the T&P Valve

The Temperature and Pressure Relief (T&P) valve is a safety tool to allow water to escape in case the pressure within the tank builds up above the optimum levels. T&P valves usually come with water heaters, or they might have to be bought separately.

4.      Install Wiring

It is mandatory to turn off all electrical appliances available in the house when installing a water heater or before doing commercial plumbing in Vallejo. This eliminates the risks of potential current hazards. When it comes to installing wiring, make sure to never install the circuit breaker in the bathroom or near the water heater because it can cause accidents. Choose the wires with the appropriate length and material, connecting them to the water heater in the correct positions. Wires made using copper-clad steel are ideal for water heaters.

5.      Connect the Inlet Hose

Once the machine cover has been placed on the heater, connect the inlet and the shower with the machine. Close the water valve and make sure to remove any old shower hose.

6.      Check for Leaks and Electric Shock

To test for leaks, it is suggested to open the water inlet valves and see if the water is passing through the shower or other components. If everything is fine, open the circuit breaker to test the water heater. Water heaters should be checked like this every month to ensure the water heater is working properly.



It may seem complicated at first to do plumbing in Vallejo and install a water heater. However, with the right tools and steps, a water heater can be installed easily. Make sure to replace the old water heater properly first before a new one can be installed. Also, turn off the electric supply in the home to ensure no fatal accidents take place.


August 17, 2022


Ron Burris
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